Photochrome Club Announcement Photochrome is coming back! We are happy to announce that Photochrome will start meeting again on Tuesday, July 20, Ebenezer Church, at 7:30 p.m. This will be… read more →
Here is the announcement we all have been expecting. To stay at home until April 7, 2020. Consequently, our meetings are suspended at least until Thursday 4/16/2020. More information to… read more →
This meeting should be a great one. The theme will be Street Entertainers. When you are walking down a street, especially in San Francisco, you might see musicians playing all… read more →
2020 Competiton Details Open To All Photographers Worldwide BigPicture is open to all photography enthusiasts and professionals alike worldwide to compete for a chance to win the $5,000 grand prize.… read more →
Lets do some junkyard photography! That’s what this field trip is all about. We have three acres to wander through photographing all sorts of building materials and household goods to… read more →
Be sure to come to our next Photochrome Meeting on 04/19/2018. Exploring Photography: “Sights of India” presented by Gerson Finlev Furthermore, here is our schedule for other upcoming meetings:… read more →
Thursday, 04/05/2018 is our Open Subject Night. We will also be presenting photos taken during our field trip to the Palace of Fine Arts. If you participated in this outing,… read more →